Whenever mayhem hits my home it's a sure sign that it's time to look around my home to see who is in need of an immediate tune up. So off we go to Patient First. What I love about Patient First is that they are able to see the entire family if necessary. Last weekend, I stole a way for a medical sabbath rest with my little one. Every time I go to Patient First they play the most amazing classical music and I felt like I was off on a tropical island. The staff is professional yet warm and friendly. Your room is outfitted with a charging station, ability to ask for a warm blanket, water, tea, or coffee for yourself and stickers and coloring pages for the kiddos.
You are able to get everyone back on track with recommendations for follow ups, referrals, and/or prescriptions if necessary. Very thankful that I don't have to worry about lost or missing prescriptions or chase them around to make sure they fill my prescriptions as I have done with the local box store neighborhood pharmacy. Patient First allows you to bring your kids if you yourself needs medical attention which is helpful for the modern parent. Next time you or your family is in need of a medical tune up and your doctor office is closed or unable to fit you in don't hesitate to check them out. No appointment necessary just come by during their clinic hours. In about 90 minutes I was able to discover that I was walking on a a broken toe for the past two weeks, soon enough I was back to my normal life which has remarkably calmed down.
Love, Joy, and Peaceful Rest,