Certificates & Recognition
Maryland State Advanced Professional Teaching Certificate with Special Education credit.
U.S. Army Freedom Team Salute Commendation Military Honor
Successful Completion of the First Pilot Teacher Program
(3 years of Intensive Leadership Training)
Participated in Round Table Discussion with Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
Nominated for the Disney American Teacher Award 2002
Good News Award for Achieving Annual Yearly Progress 2008
Good News Award for Achieving Monumental Gains on the MSA 2008
Grade Level Chair '07-'13, '15-'18
PGCEA Delegate 2013-2017
MSEA Delegate '14, '16, '17
NEA Delegate '14,'16,'17
Special Committees
Language Arts
Write A Book
Health and Wellness
School Climate
Instructional Counsel
School Based Management
Faculty Advisory Council
BAD Teacher
Observed and Participated in a wealth of Committees, Community Organizations, and Events for a complete list please email me at funforchrist@gmail.com.