Confidence is something that has to be practiced. There are some simple ways to boost and/or maintain your confidence.
Use positive affirmations to encourage and build your confidence. What we think and say directly influences how we feel about ourselves. Make a commitment to use positive self-talk and when you slip up teach yourself to apologize to yourself so that you can reecognize negative affirmations and correct them automatically. In my home I have created and displayed simple affirmation boards with statements that help boost my confidence on a daily basis. I use statements such as I am a valuable member of God's family. I am creative minded. I also use scripture as well such as I can do All things through Christ who strengthens me. Overtime you can train your incredible brain and mouth to help give you the confidence to overcome difficult moments.
Record your blessings and your successes each week. You can use a gratitude journal to record your successes this will help you to see how you bring great attributes to your relationships, job, communities, and etc. Life goes so fast and sometimes we can forget the blessings and successes that we have each week or worst yet don't recognize them. By setting time aside we can slow ourselves down to recognize the good. This gives you the opportunity to give thanks for the good in your life. This simple act can boost your confidence in a big way. It also helps you to recognize your gifts that you have been blessed with and help you to recognize the good that you do on a regular basis. I use a simple composition notebook from the dollar store and it makes all the difference in boosting my confidence after a difficult week.
Celebrate and share your accomplishments with those you love. Sometimes we are taught to be too humble and over time this can damage one's self esteem. Using table time with your family and friends to share your joys and accomplishments not only boost your confidence but can also enrich and encourage the lives of those who are listening. I often find my inspiration when I hear the success stories of others. When you give yourself the opportunity to share your successes you bless the listener as well as yourself. This is a double blessing. I learned long time ago that no one can argue with your testimony your testimony is what God has done for you.
Do things that bring you joy. Make a point to do things each day that bring you great joy. When you do things that you love it illuminates through you and blesses others. When you bless yourself you are better able to bless others with the gifts that God has given you. Don't be afraid to let your light shine. I have found that when I do the things I love to do I have so much joy and momentum to tackle the tough tasks that I have to do and this gives me the confidence and strength to continue to grow professionally and personally.
Establish reasonable or doable boundaries. It is important to set time aside to focus on meeting your needs regularly and learning how to say no. When you learn to say yes to those things that bring you joy and learn to guard your time, talent, and treasure wisely you show yourself that you are important and valued too. Your yesses and your no's tell yourself and the world what you value and what is important to you. When you carve out daily time to connect with your Creator He shows you what He sees in you and then you begin to see that you are created in His image and you belong to Him.
My prayer is that God will continue to bless and keep you and your family as you head into a New Year. May He give you the confidence and strength to be like Daniel in the Lion's Den and conquer any challenges and setbacks that you will encounter. May His peace overtake you as you trust in Him. In Jesus Name Amen.
Written from the desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson 1. 14. 23
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