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Writer's pictureEsther Kamoche Robinson

Why Breastfeed

  1. Breastfeeding reduces breast cancer in moms.

  2. Breastfeeding can soothe baby when teething.

  3. Breastfeeding can help reduce fevers.

  4. Breastfeeding is a great bonding activity.

  5. Breastfeeding is time consuming, but it is low cost.

Many insurance companies will supply a breast pump free of charge so make sure to ask about it. You can also ask for a breast pump in the hospital if you need to pump while you are there after delivery but also if you need to return later during your breastfeeding journey.

Check your states breastfeeding laws to know what you are entitle to in your state. Then keep it on your phone or a printed copy so that you are able to refer back to it as needed if you or if someone else you encountered is unsure. These laws provide protection for you at work, school, church, and wherever else you travel.

Lastly, it's important to model for the younger generation healthy ways of caring for children. As humans we learn by watching. Breastfeeding is a learned behavior and so it must be modeled in order for the younger generations to understand the importance of breastfeeding. Youtube and the internet has lots of videos that can assist with strategies to help with breastfeeding. For those who are unable to breast feed being able to pump and dump may still be a worthwhile activity to help reduce the risk of breast cancer in moms.

(wix pic)

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