Welcome Back Everyone!!! I hope you had a wonderful summer. I'm a bit late because I was very reluctant to let summer go. I was trying to soak up every last bit of summer vacation. I really enjoyed not having a schedule or at the very least having a relaxed schedule. I will miss going to the pool and getting lots of sunshine. Having the luxury of just sitting outside and enjoying having green time daily with my kids is what I am going to miss the most. I am also going to miss having an excuse to eat a popsicle guilt free. It doesn't count during the summer.
I hope that you will have an awesome school year no matter where you find yourself this year. Whether you are a parent, student, teacher, or etc. Life is always full of transitions, some wonderful and some not so. I am also going through my own version of transitioning and I am struggling to get up in the mornings because of it. I am so grateful for grace and the ability to be able to excuse my tardiness without consequences and I am so grateful that my "students" are so forgiving.
My Focus Scripture for today is Trust God and Do Good. I hope that you glimpse God's goodness wherever you go this week as you trust in Him. (Psm 37:3)
(wix photo)
From the desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson