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Jesus: The Great Interrupter (Rough Draft)

Writer's picture: Esther Kamoche RobinsonEsther Kamoche Robinson

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

(This needs editing but I am unable to do it without a support team this was a very difficult piece emotionally for me to write so I won't revise alone.)

It takes a dreamer to recognize other dreamers. I have the same ability as Jesus. As a child of God I also seem to effortfully have the same ability. You see I use to go along with things because it was fun and I enjoyed having the world's kind of fun. My grandma would call it being a good time girl. I love to dance, sing, and laugh usually off key. I lived living life fully and in the moment. Growing up I would do those things at church so I didn't have a need to go anywhere else. When I became grown the stresses of life frequently overwhelmed me and the nightlight held great appeal. Loud music, Bright lights, Liquid sunshine, and good friends who brought good ideas. I had plenty of reasons to celebrate when we got together. We were all good people throw daily into the fiery furnace of modern day life in the education field, restaurant and business worlds, medical field, and etc. Modern day super heroes trying to make sense between reality and the impossible World of Dreams.

Those days abruptly ended for me when I found a new drug of choice Jesus. I discovered I could have him on a deeper level if I surrender to him. It wasn't as difficult as I thought. Yes, it was intense at times but after a long dry spell I was alright.

When I looked around I realized that I didn't want to go back. I plunge forward doing all kinds of things for all kinds of amazing organizations and that helped keep me busy. Someone recently reminded me why I found success. Well I had Jesus, family, and good times still but I had unknowingly put myself on the 12 step program. A 12 step Jesus program called as Billy Graham would call it revival and I like to think of it as the christian unground railroad where you go from one support group to the next all week long.

And don't get me wrong I didn't have a "problem" I just like to relax without thinking ever now and again. You see my brain is always working and thinking. Those times did come quite frequently when the stresses of life were elevated and elevated and became more elevated. In God's faithfulness He always provides a way out of whatever we are facing, because He is that good. If we just stop and look around the solution is usually staring right at us. And if you are a parent it is usually the ones watching you. The ones who belong to you that bring you the most joy and at times the most sorrow.

When I became a mom God interrupted my plans again. I was suddenly out of work unable to advocate for myself like I have done for so many people for decades. I was out of steam. I couldn't articulate my needs all I knew was I was given a harsh choice to either come back immediately to work or resign. Even now I get extremely emotional whenever I think back to the moment over the phone when I was told this information. I spent my over two decades as a a volunteer, substitute teacher, educator, union leader, active church participant, volunteer, and member, and a community leader fighting for others. At this pivotal moment I couldn't do anymore fighting I was physically, mentally, and emotionally unable to ask or advocate for myself beyond asking for an extension of two weeks. I wasn't able to ask for help or do anything beyond caring for my child and myself exhaustedly. You see when I resigned from one school district to transfer to the next in the same state I unknowingly lost the ability to use and have FMLA. This wasn't something I knew about and this could have been a game changer for me. I worked 18 years in one county and only 6 months in the new county.

You see, I left one county to go to another because I wanted to start a family and I wasn't making enough money to do that and even with two incomes we were barely making it at times. The other county hired me and placed me on near the correct step so I got the increase that I earned and was rightfully mine. Due to the long economic recession educators were promised to be restored to their correct step and to received retroactive pay and that never happened. I waited until I couldn't financially wait any longer. We often would see teachers leave and if they returned eventually they were placed on the correct step.

After having my daughter and then having another daughter I learned after personally calling my state union that if I had exited out of the union correctly I could have been given a two year grace period and that would have happened for each child. I have a lot of feelings about this that I am not fully ready to unravel. How did God interrupt my life in this season of my life? Well I knew for a fact I was going to return back to work 8 weeks after having my firstborn baby. I had everything in place. I had great childcare lined up and everything was set. Except my baby was not sleeping and she would sleep for short stretches at a time so that my hubby and I weren't sleeping either. This lovely madness continued until she was four months. This is when I realized that there was a disconnect between a whole lot of things and this was illuminated even brighter after having my second child. She wasn't having it either. And once again the concepts of sleep training and a whole lot of other scientific parenting advice was quite useless for me and my husband. It was great and useful but it wasn't working for our children.

At the end of the day we had little ones to care for and protect. I salute parents who have raised children before me, especially those who have more 3 children. However at the same time I am a bit jealous that my parents and grandparents were able to give out spankings so freely and they were able to give them out to other kids in the neighborhood as well if necessary. And everyone was able to give them out and join the party as well teachers, pastors, neighbors, everyone except our generation who needs to give them out the most.

You see, my grandmother and my mom raised a house full of special children and I can tell you from personal experience it didn't matter what my momma said or did if it was something I was determined to do I was going to do it or I wasn' going to do it. Ask my youth group leader and Pastors. (I'm so sorry.) And sometimes the only thing that would change my mind was the threat of a good ole fashion spanking or the actual thing. And even my principals in New York were allowed on occasions to administer them as well for extremely disruptive students. While I don't fully advocate for spankings as the primary source of discipline, you can all agree even secretly that they do at times have their place. I'm have so many wonderings about art of spankings because at the end of the day as a parent the most important job is keeping your kid alive and other keep the other kids near them alive and safe as well. As parents we learn fairly quickly we can work on the rest later. In other words the rest can be learned later when they get older if necessary. Think of President and Commander George Washington and Queen Elizabeth were not given a complete and proper education. When they got older they were able to have tutors to help them complete their education. In the meantime they had to use what they had and make the best of it.They were able to thrive because biblical literacy was important to them.

How ease has Jesus shown to be a great interrupter. Well when I reflect on best practices in education I find it quite interesting that prayer was something that was encouraged at school for my grandparent generation and out in the community it was supported. I find it quite interesting as well that due to legislation it was taken out. I don't remember that being something that I voted about on an election ballot. I often wonder how our educational system would have thrived if prayer was something that was practiced or at least returned. You see, science and life has shown us that we need more prayer and meditative practices to interrupt negative behavior patterns and negative cognitive thinking patterns. As an advocate for positive mental health in the community, schools, and churches. I am by no means an expert but I am wondering why their is such a disconnect between scientific discoveries, laws being legislated, and what educational initiatives are set firmly in place. I am also wondering why it takes so long for people to agree to make positive and progressive changes that proven to make a difference based on decades of data and sound reasoning and parenting. I don't claim to know it all, because I fail every single day in the parenting department and it is only when my knees hit the floor that any real changes are made.

During my final year of teaching I had a beautiful student during the first days of school have a huge meltdown. When I went over to her to ask her what was wrong she was frantic and said, "I don't see Jesus anywhere." I replied, "What!" She said, "No one here talks about Jesus why can't we talk about Jesus." That was a good question. I leaned over and whispered it's okay if you want to "think" about Jesus, you can you are safe here. I told her she could pray if she needed, she could take mini breaks to do art, or bring and read her bible. From there we were able to establish trust because I was able to recognize her need to be different. She trusted me to be her teacher and from then on we were golden. The sensitivity trainings and special education classes that I have taken never included religious sensitivity trainings. I have been to a lot of ethnic, racial, gender, and sexual orientation sensitivity trainings which are all wonderful and enlightening things. I am wondering if being a HSP is a category all its own as well as sensitivity to people with special needs. I often see people with special needs including myself struggling to make sense of an ever changing world. Which leads to cognitive regressions, extreme fear and anxiety, and etc. I would classify being spiritual or having a need for spiritual connection as a special need. Based on my observations, evaluating scientific trends, and comparing them to my noticings I wondering if accommodations could be written in place to better assist students who are struggling to assimilate within the normal classroom. Currently we have a bill in Maryland HB1255 which kind of sheds a light on how we as a community must come together to help students and parents on all sides of the issue. This could help turn the negative tide in education so that educators, parents, and children feel more safer to return. We live in turbulent times and it is unfair to put people in potentially dangerous situations without the tools to be successful. I would love to explore this topic further with some experts and government and community leaders in a roundtable discussion with educators that are in the field and that have left. I would love to tell them about the story of Samson. You see God interrupted me and my student that day. He also interrupted Samson as well. I hope that we can continue to see interruptions as a blessing because when we are hurting whether as an individual person, nation, or the world we are all hurting. Interrupter are the heartbeat of a nation, country, school. They feel the anxiety that others feel they must lack the tools and the means of being able to access the tools in real time. These undercurrents send earthquake shock waves throughout our nation ever day. We need more spiritual power to help us to dream above our circumstances so that we can see what God sees. In Jesus Name. I humbly pray. Amen.

Grace and Peace be unto you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen.

To read more of my wonderings keep scrolling...

If you look at a school yard full of children or attend a birthday party you can often tell quite easily which students are leaders. Leader do things differently because they think differently and they act differently. They are usually the ones with the great ideas and the ones who can get others to change midcourse or at least consider a different possibility. They boldly march through life seeing what needs to be done and they are quick to respond. They go against the tide. They are also the ones who stand up for the rights of others either silently or loudly. They are the ones stopping others from making haphazard decisions and other children from jumping off mediforcally ledges. They are the ones who act like canaries in a coal mine illuminating unknowing sometimes that someone is emotionally hurting and needs special care and attention. They are the ones who rush into dangerous situations situations to rescue the hurt, the sick, the dying. They carry out the lame, the bleeding, the dead. They are the ones who are willing to day after day despite the odds and the stress and the turmoil. They are the ones to do the Impossible that no one else wants to do. Yet they are regarded as societal misfits in their workplaces. They are spat on, ridicule, bullied, ignored, gaslighted, beaten with unkind words, and sometimes with false allegations. They may be the ones who are afarid but are often willing to stand up for their beliefs, their rights, and the rights for others and their beliefs inspire of their own comfort. That sounds like to me a freaking superhero. Who are the superheroes in your community? When do we get to celebrate the ones who make a difference everyday by doing the right thing even when they don't want to. That takes great gorilla type of faith and courage. Those are the kinds of people that can move mountains and walk on top of water. Those are my friends are friends of Christ. Any friend of Christ is a friend of mine no matter what they look like or sound like.

Leaders are both herd animals and lone wolves. To be a Great Leader you have to be a Great Interrupter. I like to think of Katy Perry. She was a great interrupter as well as Lindsey Lohan, Janet Jackson, and Meghan Markle. I have listed some other below as well. They disruptive not only Hollywood but also the Church and real world. If we become like Christ we too become Great Interrupters and if we truly believe that all things work together for those who believe then we have to be willing to at least consider that God is a god of peace and war. He brings peace and He can allow unrest in order to bring about His goodness and to bring order down here on earth.

My final wondering is that I wonder why certain religious groups are able to pray in the workplace without pushback but my friends aren't? They are able to wear their religious clothing without pushback due to legislation. We celebrate with them and our extremely excited but want the same for ourselves and our children. I am extremely excited that other groups have gain the right to practice their faith. I would like the same for me and my friends too. We often have to hide to meet secretly to pray. Our children are told that they can't pray in schools, they can't read their bible, or express themselves and their faith creativity and some have even been placed in isolation or been suspended for practicing their faith. This is happening in our school and work places now. We are often pressured, shamed, or bullied to assimilate in every way across the board, in order to be considered normal. It's hard to assimilate when you are a natural leader.

It's hard for me to understand this concept of being universally rejected when this amazing country was built for religious freedom and exploration. How can America's children be denied religious freedom when this country was founded for that exact reason. Without that freedom other groups of people wouldn't be able to immigrant to the United States and build a new life for themselves and their families. Our country is amazing because we have millions of different people living here and being able to freely celebrate their differences, how much so than friends of Christ. How can we do the same here in America for my friends.

I don't have all the answers or claim to know everything, but I am wondering how can this basic American right of religious freedom be granted to all people? According to research leaders are the most lonely people in the world. I know I am. I wonder why that is, well to be a great leader like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Ceasar Chavez, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Ghandi, or Malcom X you can't assimilate. Because you are called to be an interrupter and whether they do it quietly or softly is irrelevant. Leaders don't always assimilate because they can't. I am not sure if this a psychological, physical, or an emotional flaw or if it is even a defect. We need each other, we need to look out for one another, and we need to support, uplift, and and encourage each other and our differences.

I like to view these mental health defects as a strength of character as bands of strength like internal stretch marks. In previous historical times it was celebrated it was admired and it was encouraged. However, in recent time it isn't. Leaders are being told myself included that you are doing everything wrong. We are having labels forced upon us whether they are correct or not is also irrelevant. They are hurtful and debilitating. Much needs to be done in the area of special education. More updates and more sensitivity trainings are needed. More diversity trainings. More parent choice and true parental involvement needs to happen if our children have any hope of continuing Martin's dream. In order to dream you must not be limited in your ability to connect with the creator. You must be able to freely connect in times of joy and in sorrow and the times in between. Our instructional pacing needs to slow down because it is in boredom that creativity is discovered. It is true that leaders are often stuck on their dreams and it usually takes great faith, patience, and prayer to help them see beyond their dreams into a new possibilities. In other words being a leader is a curse and a blessing but it is up to God not man to determine when it is time for them to become unstuck. It was God who parted the Red Sea not man. It was God who delivered the Israelites not man. It was God who delivered African Americans from their slave owners and it was the same God who delivered the Jews during the Holecost. It is the same God who is going to deliver the Ukraine from the hands of the enemy. We have to pray but also activate our gifts and walk with integrity and accept our mission isn't easy and it does come with a price a huge price of sacrifice.

What does this mean for us? It means.we should continue to praying continually without ceasing, cause Lord I sure need help for this. If God cause others to be like Him and cause them to disruptive our lives, then we should and need to pray for more patience, grace, and the ability to extend the hand of mercy and forgiveness to them. As a dreamer I love to dream and the the people in my life love to interrupt my Jesus buzz and I don't always react well to that. Well Jesus still has more work to do on my behalf. Before having children I always viewed disruptions as the enemy. Now, I am starting to see and consider that Jesus didn't always come to make our lives easier or to bring us peace but to help us see the world as it is so that we can make radical changes to it by loving others as He does. He comes through others as disrupters. He says, "Let the little ones come unto me." Even Jesus had to surrender to disruptions because our families are the biggest disrupters we will probably face every single day. Their disruption can bring us to our knees and that is where we find God.

Blesseth Be The Name of the Lord! Lord teach us how to pray...Our Father....Amen.

From the desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson

Who have been the Great Interrupters in History?

Possible Answers:

Georgia Gilmore

Susan B. Anthony

Mary Burnett Talbert

Abraham Lincoln

Elizabeth Franklin

Mary Jane McLeod Bethune

Maya Angelou

Robert Kennedy

Frida Kahlo

Rosa Parks

Hailey Barry

Micheal Jackson

Marilyn Monroe

Citations and Special Thanks

When Happens Women say yes to God. Lisa Terkeurst

Codependency: Build Self Love and Stop Having Codependent Relationships by Amanda Hewitt

Love Does by Bob Goff

The Power of Self-Compassion by Laurie J. Cameron

The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson

Having More Fun by Mandy Arioto and Bob Goff

Buffalo Spree Archives Jazz It's Never Too Late by Philip Nyhuis Nancy Wilson (Jazz Singer), Oppression

1-2-3 Parenting with Heart by Chris Webb and Thomas W. Phelan Phd.

Read and compare many different scriptures and key events using different bible translations and versions.

The Puzzles of St. Patrick: From Slave to Saint by Ellen Cook Nibali

Social Media like Pinterest and Facebook who allowed me to use word art to express myself.

Office Max and Odenton Library and Anne Arundel Library System



15 Coping Strategies for Kids by Amy Morin, LCSW

Parents Magazine; How Parents Can Help Children with Attention and Learning Issues with Remote, Hybrid, or In-Person Learning by Gia Miller.

Advanced Psychiatry Associates; Strategies for Adults Living with ADHD What are Interpersonal Skills?; How Being Happy Makes You Healthier by Daisy Coyle, APD; Improving Self-Esteem

Psychology Today; The Key to Raising Independent, Capable Kids: Valuable principles that can help both you and your children develop and thrive. Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence

Journal of the American Revolution: Did George Washington Swear At Charles Lee During the Battle of Monmouth?

Historic Valley Forge: Who Served Here? The Marquis de Lafayette

What is Self-Regulation? (95 skills and strategies)

Fluid Whole-Brain Connectivity Supports Creative Thinking by Christopher Bergland

Neuroscience Study Examines Link Between Accountability to God and Psychological Well-Being

CDC Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (OEEO) Types of Discrimination

Psychology Today: Gabriela Cora, M.D. MBA Are Alpha Females Healthier Than Their Counterparts?

Psychology Today: Resolve to Be a More Balanced Parent by Kenneth Ginsburg M.D. M.S.Ed (Author of Raising resident Children and Teens)

National Park Service- Between Two Worlds; Black Women and the Fight for Voting Rights

Forbes: 5 Steps of Compartmentalization; The Secret Behind Successful Entrepreneurs by Ryan Blair

Research preschool curriculums online. CHADD Affililiates

Psychology Today: Why Meditation Might Not Be Working For You by Steven C. Hayes PH.D (Steven Hayes of Get out of your Mind)

Righttime Media search (for how the brain spirals)

The'I'm not going to waste my time on prayers':how secular teachers navigate working in religious schools by IIana Finefter-Rosenbluh

5 Daily Rituals Introverts Need to Protect Their Energy.

Psychology Today; 8 Ways to Embrace Solitude Secure Attachment Healthy Lifestyle Adult Health; Anger Management 10 tips to tame your temper

Psychology Today; 7 Creative Ways to Reduce Anxiety-Several techniques, all using imagination, can help us feel less anxious. by Chris Gilbert, MD, Ph.D heal the Mind to Heal the Body.

Archdiocese of Detroit: The Art of Compromise The Cycles of Loneliness and Depression

Neuroscience News.Com Beating Seasonal Affective Disorder

The True Origins of X-Men

Google search of St. Valentine's Religious Art.

Welsh Otter: Sustainable Textiles How to Create A Welsh Style Interior What a Friend we Have in Jesus

Visit Annapolis Telling Our Story: African American Poetry, Past, and Present

The Optimist Daily: What is validation and why do we need it in relationships.

The Free Dictionary by Farlex: Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick.

Psychology Today; There is No such Thing as Self-Care in Relationships by Assael Romanelli Ph.D. The Other Side of Relationships

Psychology Today;Austism is Underdiagnosed in Girls and Women

Your Tango:10 Things You're Doing Because You're Finally Starting to Love Yourself by Bria Barrows

History Channel: How Stan Lee's X-Men were Inspired by Real-Life Civil Rights Heroes

X-Men Anatomy: 5 Weirdest Things about Rogue....

The Comic Vault- Guest Post: Where Did Storm Get Her Powers?

10 Things You Really Ought to Know about George Washington

Year Round Homeschooling with Misty Leask: Free Preschool Homeschool Curriculum

Better Homes & Garden 23 Yellow Living Rooms Ideas for a Bright, Happy Space by Jessica Bennett

When Do Washington DC's Cherry Blossoms Bloom pochohantas

A Psychotherapist shares the 3 exercises she uses everyday 'to stop overthinking' by Jenny Maenpaa

Art Therapy Tames Impulsivity, Distractibility, and Anxiety by Stacey Nelson

Maryland Division of Early Childhood Early Childhood Curriculum.

25 Things to Do in.... Women's History Month

Gloria Copeland: To Know Him.

Psychology Today: 6 Tips to Overcome Negative Self-Talk and Self-Doubt

Psychology Today: The Need for Mutual Respect in a Relationship by Marty Nemko Ph.D.

Psychology Today: Fluid Whole-Brain Connectivity Supports Creative Thinking

Research are the major conflicts between theology and psychology?; The ABC's of ACT-Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-Autism into Adulthood

The Wave are the different types of attachment?

Wikipedia: Cabin Fever by Regina Boyle Wheeler medically reviewed by Smitha Bhandari, MD What is projection? Psychology, Example, and Application For Your Relationships

Mayoclinic; Self-esteem; Take steps to feel better about yourself.;What is a visionary; someone with a strong vision of the future.

Oxfordlanguage: Visionary thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom. relating to or able to see visions in aa dream or trance or as a supernatural apparition, having a visionary experience.

Harvard Business Review; Business Communication- The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why by Deborah Tannen 8 Tips for Overcoming Codependence by Crystal Raypole and reviewed by Timothy J. Legg PhD.; Communicating Effectively with your Asperger's Partner: Five Important Suggestions This Cozy Chicken Soup is Getting Me Through Winter by Dawn Davis

I have many more references that can be provided upon request they are in the history of my devices. My favorite are the recipes, theology, psychology, education, and fitness articles. I have my own personal library and the libraries of all of my family and friends which hold a combination of everything.

Creative Inspiration

Stevie Wonder: Sign, Sealed, and Delivered.

Stevie Wonder: Higher Ground

Rush Hour and Fast & Furious

Micheal Jackson

This is for those of you who need street music to see Jesus.

Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz: "Get Low" check it out on Youtube!

Check out other artist like LeCrae. There are so many influencial artist on both sides of the musical and artist divide. Let's bring them in for the greatest celebration known to mankind.

Lord, Bless bless WGTS and nonprofit organizations like Samaritan's purse who are helping people right now in Ukraine. Keep the money coming and keep them fired up for you Jesus.

(This needs editing but I am unable to do it without a support team this was a very difficult piece emotionally for me to write so I won't revise alone.)

Thank you!

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