Please modify or adjust for your students as needed.
Background Historical Link: Who is St. Patrick? (History Channel)
Standard/Skills: Ask and Answer Questions
Identifying Story elements and events
Explain the title of a selection
Video Link:
Introduce the Story, "The Luckiest Leprechaun by Justine Korman." (Scholastic Book)
Use a teacher created T-Chart and distribute sticky notes or use a RELA journal for students to ask and answer questions. Can substitute using digital resources and tools. (T-Chart: Questions / Answers)
Today we will listen to a read aloud of the story, "The Luckiest Leprechaun by Justine Korman while listening you will record your questions." Our goal today is that we will listen to a story and ask and answer questions."
Focus Question: What makes a friendship special? (Give students 5 minutes to turn and talk and/or share out with the class.) Then, have the students share out with the class. (2-4 min)
Technology Link: "The Luckiest Leprechaun by Justine Korman." (9 minutes)(
Pause midway through for students to develop questions in groups. What good questions can we write about the story? I wonder....
Teacher will ask when students are done to share out, "What questions did your group have about the story?"
Teacher can record 1-3 good questions on a class T-Chart on the left side.
Continue to play the video.
At the end of the reading what questions were you able to answer? Teacher can record the answers on the right side of the T-Chart.
Closing: How did asking and answering questions help you to better understand the story.
Additional Resources:
Art Link: How to draw a Leprechaun
Students can use a pencil and paper or watch, color, or create pre-made Leprechaun.
Writing Choices:
What 5 wishes do you have?
Students can write a story about friendship.
Students can write a poem about Leprechauns and friendship.
Faith Link: How does God help you be a good friend?
Use the Link:
At the end have the kids develop their prayers and answer the above question.
Additional Teacher Resources
Home Link: What did you learn about friendship and about St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day
From Desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson
From the desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson