Did you know that Jesus spent a lot of time walking from one place to another? He spent a lot of time feeding the hungry and healing the sick. He also spent a lot of time going from one house party to another raising the dead, healing the sick, and casting out demons. One of the biblical events that stood out to me was when Jesus went out of His way to meet the woman at the well. Normally, Jewish people walked around Samaria, but Jesus went through it to meet her. The intentionality and compassion that I our Savior had for woman during His time was revolutionary. She had three strikes against her. She was a women. She was Samaritian. She also had a checker history. This event illustrates Jesus compassionate nature towards all women. Jesus cared for women. He recognized and validate them as children of God and shown us how much He loved them and that they had a place in His kingdom. He went out of His way to claim her as His and to rescue her to give her everlasting life.
Let's examine the biblical story of casting the first stone. Jesus again interrupted the events of the day. Not only rescuing the woman but the men as well. Our Savior is the ultimate interrupter. He interrupts us on our way. He challenges our thinking. He challenges who we are to see if it aligns with God's word. He stretches us. He molds us. Not to destroy us so that we can bring Him Glory and Honor to His name. He uses our weaknesses to mold us and reshape us into His image. He shows us time and time again that He is worthy. He is sovereign over it all. That we can trust in Him if we accept His Lordship in our lives. If we surrender to His will.
Post Lesson Follow Up:
After reading a biblical bible story I try to think of ways I can apply or implement what I have learned. How would it look like or sound like if Jesus did the same miracles today? How can I apply these same principals today in my life?
My Personal/Partner Reflection Questions
Who would God have the greatest compassion for today? What are the implications for us as the Body of Christ?
How has Jesus shown himself to me as the Great Interrupter?
When Has Jesus interrupted something bad or good and it changed your life dramatically?
If I were the woman at the well or the one Jesus rescued from being stoned, how would I express my gratitude to Him?
Who have been the biggest interrupters (good or bad) in American or World History?
What lessons can we learn about interruptions and about the love and compassion of Jesus?
Bible, Righttime Media: Deborah and Ruth, Evan Family Resources