Written by Esther Kamoche Robinson 3/7/2022
I’m very excited to highlight women this month who have faced incredible odds and I wanted to share my personal connections to them. These women have demonstrated great courage in the face of great adversity and they have triumph over them. Showing us that goodness does overcome hard times. My ultimate goal is to showcase what it truly means to be an Influencer in our society. It begins with recognizing, acknowledging, valuing, and cultivating greatness in others and in ourselves.
In the Presence of Greatness…His love abides.
Nancy Wilson
I had the unique experience of attending a live performance of Nancy Wilson performing with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra as a young lady. This marvelous experience changed the trajectory of my life and cultivated a love of live music, education, and The Arts.
Coretta Scott King
I had the privilege and honor to be able to attend a speech that she gave in Buffalo, New York during my college years. She talked about the power of love and diversity and about loving all of God’s children.
Sandra Day O’Conner & Ruth Bader Ginsburg
I had the unbelievable honor during my undergraduate years of being able to visit the Supreme Court in Washington, DC. Having this incredible opportunity to watch this incredible dream team in person, has been one of my greatest joys. It was like watching an intellectual tennis match between the boys and the girls, separate but equal ideals. For me the Supreme Court Justices are the Ultimate DREAM team.
Dr. Maya Angelou
I am humbled by her life experience. I had the phenomenal honor of attending a speech that Maya Angelou gave at the University of Delaware during her final years. It was awe-inspiring and life affirming. She talked about teaching all children, especially our black and brown children the importance of teaching them who they are. Please read a paraphrased version that I wrote on my personal Facebook profile, it was her incredible message to the world.
"Rainbows are in the sky. They are not in the clouds or on the ground. Somebody has been a rainbow for you. Be a rainbow for someone else. "
"Know your worth. You have been bought and paid for by the blood of your ancestors. So stand straight because you are Somebody-Somebody important."
"We have to tell these young folks that they have value. They have worth, they are Somebody. That they are loved. Even if they cuss us out- we have to tell them about their history so they can walk with pride. Tell them that their lives mean something…to their families, friends, and community."
Leta Andrews
This lady was the true meaning of Hollywood glamour and southern hospitality. Her elegant but honest demur was able to charm me as a preteen. Her unique style of southern drawl mixed with a New York queens accent was truly captivating. She grew up in West Virginia during a time that she had to passed for white in order to become a model. She taught me to accentuate what makes me different in order to make a difference. She also taught me to take care of myself and make sure I don't waste the good things I have been given. She was my great aunt.
Joyce Meyer
When I was a young lady I went to the Downtown Buffalo Convention Center to see Joyce Meyer with my mom. She was amazing and I have been following her ever since. I love her books and her digital resources. What drew me to Joyce Meyer is her honesty, candor, humor, and the common sense approach she has to teaching the Bible.
Cece Winans
I had the spectacular opportunity to attend about three consecutive performances by CeCe Winans when she performed with Morgan State Choir in conjunction with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra during the Christmas seasons. These mind-blowing awestruck experiences have consistently shown me what heaven is like, when God’s people and the angels gather together and sing in unison for the King of Kings.
Hillary Clinton
I had the unexpected but exhilarating opportunity to attend an event at the U.S. Capital celebrating the city of Buffalo. Being able to have a moment to be in the same space as her was fantastic. I have studied her life history and taught my students about her incredible life work and courageous spirit beginning when she was young. Needless to say I was awestruck and giddy to be in the same space with her and a host of other amazing folks. I also had the opportunity to visit the White House when she served as First Lady.
Michelle Obama
I had the incredible rare chance to attend a speech in Baltimore, Maryland in which Michelle was advocating for Anthony Brown as governor of Maryland. Her passionate drive and her incredible love for people is dumbfounding. The incredible joy that I experienced was profound.
Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson, and Fantasia
I have had the fortunate chance to be able to see all three of these ladies at completely different events and seasons in my life, when they performed at the Capital One Arena formally the Verizon Center in Washington D.C. They taught me how to be classy and how to bring the sizzle, the fire, and joy to your relationships by being yourself.
Anita Benton
I have had the awesome experience of having a cousin who embodied what it means to have courageous faith, an immense love for her incredible family and was able to beat the odds against her adversities. Anita taught me the true meaning of never giving up and the importance of continuing to beat your drum for Christ until He returns.
Lauren Daigle
I had the joy of attending a Lauren Daigle concert in Fairfax Virginia. Her voice is truly remarkable and the love she has for Christ is unparrallel. One of my favorite songs, "Look up Child" reminds me that no matter what we are facing we can overcome it if we keep looking upwards.
The Sisters of WNY: Sister Josephine, Sister Amy, Sister Gertrude, & Sister Mary and Friends
These remarkable and outstanding women of faith taught me and my family what it means to be faithful, generous, and how to serve others unselfishly. They showed their communities what it means to give more than what is expected and the importance of going above and beyond the norm to help others.
Mama Liz Dos Reis
I have had the astounding privilege to be able to sit at the table with this incredible woman and her family on several occasions. She exhibits tremendous Faith and fiercous strength. Mama Liz and her family faced unspeakable pain and agony yet they still continue to light up our world with the incredible love of God. They continue to support and fight for the needs of others, especially military families around the world.
Colbie Caillat
I had the pleasure of attending a concert with Colbie Caillat and Gavin Degraw in Baltimore on the water. It's a concert that I will never forget. I talk about this concert every time I set foot in Baltimore. The wind blowing through the outdoor concert hall as music and good times lifted their voices straight up to heaven. Her music has the ability to lift you above the noise so you can experience joy with a healthy splash of fun in the mix.
Gennie Perry
I have had the greatest privilege of my life to sit at the feet of this wonderful woman, my cousin Gennie. She was born in Alabama and migrated to the north around the time that my grandparents did, during the era called the great northern migration. She taught me the true meaning of southern hospitality, elegant style of a true lady, and the true meaning of unconditional love. She was married for over 65 years. I hope that I can continue to carry her legacy forward like she has for my family.
Honorable Mention: My Female Dream Teams
My life work of educating, writing, and advocating for others would have been impossible without the remarkable and extraordinary women in my corner who often stood beside me and/or supported me from the shadows cheering for me, my siblings, and our families. Any goodness that you see is because of God’s amazing grace and foresight to bring these simply amazing women into our lives. These incredible but gentle forces of nature live across the globe and they continue to shine as guiding lights for all to see. Thank you for being incredible.
Thank you for my Moms and my honorary Aunties at church and in my old neighborhoods, who helped guide and shape me and my siblings with their godly strength and wisdom. You had to be sensational to tackle with the five of us. You supported my family and showed us what it means to truly love and what it means to live out our faith everyday in small and big ways. Thank you for continuing to show up in our lives, supporting us, and for all of the lessons you taught around your kitchen table. Thank you for rising a generation of peaceful warriors. May God continue to shine bright for you all and continue to bless you and your incredible families as you continue to live for Him. Be Blessed!
For my Women and Mom Support groups, thank you for teaching me the true meaning of friendship and grace. Thank you for demonstrating what it means to be faithful and dedicated to the causes of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your gentle courage and strength and the incredible joy you brought into my life and for your weekly prayers and encouraging words. They often moved mountains for me and my tiny but mighty family. May God’s incredible grace shine upon you and your families. Be joyful and rejoice because we serve a Mighty God.
For the incredible women that I have had the honor of working with and serving for the past 22 years as an educator and community leader on numerous committees, teams, and organizations. We tackled and defeated various dragons year after year, never giving up. Reminding me that All things are possible with God. Thank you for your incredible courage, wisdom, and strength. Thank you for your guidance, your prayers, and for the joy that you exhibited each day. May God bless and keep you! Be Blessed!
For my Kamoche Ladies and for all of the amazing women in my family tree whom I call family, I thank God for you all, every day. I am truly humbled and amazed by the godly courage and faith you have been given and the incredible strength you have had to display in facing your challenges and beating the odds. May God continue to bless and shine His light upon you all as we continue to be positive forces of goodness, joy, and light for Him. Keep striving for excellence and knocking those challenges down like bowling pins for Jesus.
My Take Aways
The lessons that I learned from these amazing women will live with me for a lifetime and I am looking forward to expanding this list of great woman each year. I hope that this list of great woman inspires you and encourages you to keep sowing your seeds of greatness. Your seeds of greatness are not in vain and in due time like the good book says they will reap a harvest if you don't give up. Don't give up, keep praying, and keep dancing. Don't spend so much time thinking about being connected or being great. Just get connected and stay connected with the King of the Universe and when you keep your eyes on goodness then it isn't so hard to see. Keep dancing and keep sowing your seeds of greatness and never give up. I often find myself encountering greatness, when I least expect it, so keep on dancing and before you know it, you will find yourself in the presence of greatness. I get excited every time I think about the goodness of the Lord and all that he has done for me over my lifetime, and I have a hard time restraining myself. Be Blessed!
From the desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson
When have you encounter moments of greatness? If you like please leave your comments in the comments section and share this post on your wall. Be Blessed!

I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3
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