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Loving Others

Love God and love others seems like a simple and easy command. It is the hardest thing to do on a daily basis, especially when we are called to love people who are different. Whether it's loving our immediate family members, a neighbor, a colleague at work, or a person with a different point of view it can be challenging. It often seems tedious and at times painful. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit and His grace to help us through.

Loving others is a daily practice of truly trusting in God. It can also be a balancing act of trying to juggle loving others as God commands us to and also loving ourselves. For some people it is easier to love others than themselves and for others it is easier to love themselves more than loving others. But no matter where we are at in our spiritual journey, God's grace and mercy is there for us everyday. If we take the time to pray, learn, and listen to the urgings of the Holy Spirit.

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From the desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson 06.06.24 EST 12:35

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