Written by Esther Kamoche Robinson 4.08.23
There are always two or more sides to every story and we know that people can attach multiple meanings to one single event. As a mom and a teacher I often struggle with this concept. In order to be a true follower of Christ we have to leave our nets and follow Him. This is a hard concept during biblical times and it is still a hard concept today. A man once asked Jesus, how can he enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus told him to sell all he had and then come follow him. This story illustrates the struggle that all humans face.
Sometimes we may have an intense desire to connect to our Creator yet we often fail to live up to our ideals of what that looks like. Society has what it should look like and the Bible has another way. This often leaves us often times feeling lonely, unseen, confused, and heartbroken. Our view is oftentimes obstructive and we often have a blurred view of what God's plan looks like for ourselves and our families and communities. For the average person that can be very trying and confusing and most give up and may fall away. Thank God we have God's grace to see us through. Amen. It's not about how many times a man falls but how many times he gets up. I love this quote. It reminds me that often times we find God not just on the mountaintop but also in the valley. God is our rose of Sharon, lily of the valley. May He continue to grant us peace this Easter Sunday as we continue to wait on Him to show us the way forward through Jesus Christ our Lord. May we continue to seek him so each day so we can stay connected to His heart-the heartbeat of God. Soli Deo Gloria Amen.
updated 04.09.23