Joy and humor is contagious. Spread it generously whenever you can.
Men make a difference 365 days a year in keeping a family together. "Teamwork makes the dream work."
The importance of strong male role models in children's lives on a daily basis. Your children need you every day. Do what you can to be present in some way every day.
Telling the truth is important. True empowerment comes with true knowledge. "The truth shall set you free." Truth can't be one sided. Mutual respect, love, and honesty are needed in a fulfilling and loving relationship.
Celebrate your cultural and religious roots by living well.
Don't be afraid to correct and discipline your kids they need it. The complexities of parenthood are real.
Car and home time is where the bulk of your ministry with family resides so maximize the time you have with your family to share life lessons and insights.*
Even adults need correction by experts like teachers, pastors, scientist, and other specialist. Be open to at least considering the point of view of experts to solve real life problems. Be open to invite other viewpoints and other diverse voices to the table to speak on a topic they are knowledgeable about.
The value of self care and spending quality time with your gender aside from work related events even nonprofit work is vital. Stepping aside and playing is important for all species especially humans. They need it to feel secure, energized, and it builds a strong sense of community and well being.**
Being okay to look like an idiot at the expense of positive change. Sometimes our reactions are silly or can even be over the top. But they are life lessons for ourselves and others. Be determined and confident to make a difference no matter the odds.
The key to peace and positive change is consistently communicating and spending time with God, your spouse, your families, your fellow countrymen***, and your community regularly. I loved how Mac would talk to America and God from his arm chair and the daily fight to get alone time in a family structure is extremely difficult but much needed.
RIP Bernie Mac we still miss you!
Additional Information:
*Domestic church is your primary mission field. Model christian living by example.
**Science of secure attachment.
***Mac would often talk to America from his chair to give more "clarification" to a difficult situation.
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