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Father's Make A Difference

This year marks the 30th anniversary of my father's passing. I'm grateful for the blessing of having a father. My father's passing left a huge gap in my life. As I watch my girls interact with my husband I am often reminded about the fragility of parenthood. I often chuckle at the incredible things my daughters ask for from their dad and how they use him as a human slide. My favorite moments are watching them together doing simple things like laughing together, having "deep" conversations, or taking a walk. In those moments I realize how vital it is to have a father and how they make a difference whether it is in small or big ways. No matter what fathers make a difference. As a mom I know I can't do it alone, parenthood is daunting and often times overwhelming. I'm grateful for the gift of fatherhood and for those who step into the role of honorary fatherhood. Those who lovingly fill in the gap for their loved ones. Happy Father's Day all month long from my heart and family to yours!

From the desk of Esther Kamoche Robinson.

(wix pic)

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