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Writer's pictureEsther Kamoche Robinson

5 Simple Ways I Celebrate Lent

Updated: Jan 30, 2024

1. Pausing often to remain thankful. I intentionally stop and gaze out of the window and just take deep breathes and say thank you. Thank you for this day. Thank you for my family. Thank you for meeting my needs for this day. Saying grace over mealtimes is an awesome way to stay connected.

2. Take long walks like Jesus and connect with God. I love to take walks with my family. It is something that I have done a lot during the last few years. It has helped relieve a lot of my cabin fever symptoms and is a much needed activity for me to gain clarity and relieve stress. I also love taking walks alone it allows me to stop and look up and around and notice all of the great things God has created.

3. Connect with scriptures. I use real index cards, stick notes, or word art on YouVersion Bible App, and write my favorite inspirational scriptures to remind me of God's promises. I use them for pick me ups during the day.

4. Be intentional with connecting through song. I like to find and create ways to connect with music throughout the day. Youtube has lots of instrumental christian music.

5. Eat like Jesus...I love to imagine that He ate a Farm to Table Mediterranean natural foods diet with plenty of olive oil, grapes, olives, bread, cheese, nuts, plant based foods,

with fish and meat. Like a godly smoorgie board of food. I getting hungry already. I also believed He like to top it all off with a communion size shot glass of sweet robust red wine with his friends..

I mean seriously after walking from town to town and sharing His heart with old and new friends, he was probably was hangry. He worked up a really good appetite. Just imagine for a fun moment, Jesus passionately taught a really good message that confused a lot of people and after caring for his flock, he just wanted to go off and rest. To me Jesus was a really cool dude who wanted nothing more to lay in the shade and chill after a really hectic revival week. In my head Jesus is the ultimate sober hippie. He wore loose fitting clothing and sandals. No one not one is as cool as Him, double hands down.

Side note: Have you ever consider that Jesus was technically unemployed. He was a freelance minister. Which explains some of our current economic issues. I blame it all on our Savior Jesus. He is leading the Great Resignation. Jesus is telling everyone to pick up your cross and follow Him. In other words quit and go on an employment fast. Slim down, keep walking, less is more, follow God not money, all you need is Jesus. Yup now this ALL makes complete sense. Follow Jesus! Just kidding someone needs to work. Get back to work! Go get some fresh air and get back to work! Seriously go back!

Happy Friday!

During this season of lent please find more ways to laugh more and create ways to have more responsible but safe fun. Get outside and enjoy the sunshine and rejoice. Even during lent God is a God of Joy.

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